
Anna’s nose correction

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Anna's journey with Dr. Berkei.

A dream nose after a sports accident as a child

Porträt von @anunanna vor der Nasenkorrektur mit schiefer Nase.
Porträt von glücklicher @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.

This is a medical indication (nasal ventilation disorder, crooked nasal septum).

Anna is a self-confident Generation Z influencer who is constantly surrounded by cameras. What many people didn’t notice, however, was that she only let herself be photographed from the right due to the crooked position of her nose caused by a sports accident. The deformity of the bridge of the nose was clearly recognizable. Anna didn’t feel comfortable with her nose and tried not to show her crooked position in public. The shape of her nose also caused considerable breathing difficulties, especially at night.

After many years of consideration, she finally decided to have her nose corrected by Dr. Berkei, giving her a sense of relief, satisfaction and greater self-confidence. The Nose by Berkei technique not only remedied the functional problems, but also ensured a lasting esthetic result. Anna documented her rhinoplasty procedure to give her followers and those interested in plastic and aesthetic surgery an insight into her experience of a rhinoplasty with Dr. Berkei.

Anna's wishes
Anna's interventions

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More Information

3D computer simulation of Anna’s nose before the procedure and a possible result after rhinoplasty.

Anna's video diary.

We have accompanied Anna during her rhinoplasty
 with Dr. Berkei with the camera.

Questions for Anna.

Why did you decide to undergo surgery?

Anna: I was playing basketball at the time and got a basketball with a fracture in my face. And at the time everything was so swollen that I didn’t even realize it was broken.
And then my parents and I didn’t go to the doctor. Actually, it just needed to be straightened and taped, so to speak. Then it would never have grown together crookedly. And then it grew together over the years. And I got more and more problems, constant inflammation and also breathing problems. And yes, at some point I said, okay, I have to do it now. And now I’m actually at the point where I’ve dared to take this step.

What made you choose Dr. Berkei over another surgeon?

Anna: I immediately felt comfortable with Dr. Berkei. She took away my fear of the operation and took a lot of time to explain it to me.

How did you hear about Dr. Berkei? When was that?

Anna: I know Dr. Berkei from TV and social media.

Did you have any doubts?

Anna: Of course you have doubts at the beginning, because it is an operation after all. But I also took many years to think about it.

Porträt von zufriedener @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.
Porträt von zufriedener @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.
What was particularly important to you?

Anna: My wish was to have a straight nose and to feel comfortable in my body.

What was your life like before the operation?

Anna: I’ve always been concerned with my nose because I don’t find it particularly beautiful and in many of my pictures I always edit it or wear sunglasses. So if you go to my Instagram account, you can see that I’m wearing sunglasses in every picture to hide my hernia and crooked nose as much as possible. And I’ve always taken a closer look at modeling jobs, especially beauty campaigns, or even turned them down because I wouldn’t have felt comfortable if they had to do so much retouching on location.

How did your life change after the operation?

Anna: Everyday life feels so carefree and that’s mainly due to my job, as I have to be in front of the camera a lot. I don’t have to worry about what my nose might look like from the side.

Porträt von glücklicher @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.
Porträt von zufriedener @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.
What was the moment of your splint removal like?

Anna: Removing the splint was a very emotional moment for me. A long-awaited moment.

How did those around you react to your surgery and the result?

Anna: My family is very enthusiastic about the result and thinks that the new nose suits me very well.

How do you know that the operation with Dr. Berkei was the right decision?

Anna: My well-being and of course the great result.

Would you recommend the operation and Dr. Berkei?

Anna: Definitely.

Glückliche @anunanna mit Dr. Berkei.
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Profilaufnahme von @anunanna nach der erfolgreichen Nasenkorrektur.